Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Great and Fun time with Family @ SuRi Homestay Melaka!

Alhamdulillah, we had our great and fun time from 4 - 6 February 2012 for our long holidays (sempena MaulidurRasul and Thaipusam) at Crystal Bay, Alai, Melaka. We already planned this months ago and Alhamdulillah, things went smoothly as planned. After attending Majlis Kenduri kahwin anak jiran sebaris rumah, after Zohor we went out about 2.00 p.m and arrived at Su Ri Homestay at about 5.00 p.m. (ni after berenti dan waiting for some family members at somewhere). Finally 5 families arrived at the same time.  Alang from PD, Asu from Kajang and Yong with her children family arrive a bit later than us. After got the house key, from the house owner's nephew we went in, and hmmm.. what a nice homestay. Really nice. The house got 5 rooms fully equipped and furnished, all needed items were there.  And  the best moment for the kids apalagi kalau tak mandi kolammm.. sampai-sampai je terus terjun tanpa tukar baju..

Yassin and Tahlil Recitation (sempena Maulidur Rasul)
Ok, our program started after maghrib, we had Yassin and doa recitation, also Tahlil beramai-ramai for all family members who had gone earlier than us (esp. for our mak and abah) and not forgotten my late hubby also Pak and mak mertua yang lain2, kakak ipar yang telah pergi. After than we had family meeting (discussion) agenda among others was about the distribution of bla..bla..(toot!) and the next family meeting planning. Lepas discussion, we had our first dinner (catering) ordered earlier by Ayong. And all main dishes we use catering, easier to manage (takde lah fikir nak masak2). But at the same time we have BBQ.. ni the best part.  The homestay also provided BBQ set (RM50 je to be added).

orange and red t-shirt sponsored by Asu

The next morning, after breakfast, we had sukaneka, We were grouped into 3 groups (group A, B and C) and nama-nama for each group dah disediakan awal by Kak Nyah. Each group must be represented by one family member from each family. So menang or kalah each family ada la wakil tuk kutip hadiah..hehe. Our games were, isi air dalam botol, game kingkong (bawa belon celah kangkang), tiup belon sampai pecah, bawa getah guna chopstick, bawa sweets guna chopstick and dll.  And the winner wasss... Group C ( tu group saya la, headed by Mie) :).  Sukaneka  over about 11.30 am.  After that, the next session of terjun kolam.. ni la kerja diorang, bukan saje bebudak, mak budak bapak budakpun join sama, sampai pecah semua pelampong tuan rumah. Petang was free program. Actually we decided to visit our Paksu (adik abah yang Bongsu) at Batu Berendam, but unfortunately he and family was not at home.  So rosak ana punya program lah...

Anyway, petang after Asar, we went to Banda Hilir and was went round and round to look for parking, nak parking kat tepi2 jalan tu mujur ternampak dia tengah menyaman kenderaan lain, so tu je dah dekat 2 jam. Finally we got our car parked at Mahkota Parade.  Shopping at the stall (the place just like pasa Khadijah at Kota Bharu) and the pasar malam. And the best part was, barang2 yang dijual pun as same (or more or less the same) barang2 kat pasar siti khadijah except ada la barang2 ori Melaka. I take opportunity to beli fridge magnetic (my collection -  dah dekat penuh pintu fridge tu) and barang2 makanan yang lain.  My kid Syahmi sudah nampak itu Menara Taming Sari turun naik, so dia dah teruja dan tak sabar2 nak naik, ditarik my hands and... terpaksa ikut kehendak dia, kalau tak dia redah je jalan yang bersimpang siur tu... haish rosak lagi ana punya program nak shopping. 6 orang naik, except for Nor anak Angah, about 8.00 pm. Second group after paying ticket was our turn.  Adik Syahmi memang teruja, dari atas nampak kapal (cruise) and kapal Samudera yang besar tu, sibuk dia nak naik yang itu pulak. Actullay we all keluar with 3 cars, tapi family Ateh dah terpisah disebabkan oleh masalah parking, jadi dia dapat parking yang berdekatan dengan cruise. Dia pergi museum samudera, tapi we all naik Taming Sari je. 

After that we got into Loca (actually beca) ntah mana si adik dapat ilham beca sudah jadi loca... untuk ke Mahkota Parade. Mujur ada itu loca kalau tidak terpaksa ikut dia punya kehendak nak naik cruise.  So dia dah teruja dapat naik loca and we all balik ke homestay.  About 9.00 pm we arrived, others have already started karaokeing.  This time we had presents giving for our sukaneka and lucky draw diselang seli dengan sessi karaoke.,  and guess what.. from my family, me and Amy (my daughter) got lucky draw.. yeayy..!! and Alhamdulillah each family ada representative yang dapat lucky draw.  About 10.30 pm the program over.  And it was landing time, penat woh.

One whole family photographing before checkout
The next morning was sessi kemas2 barang.  I called the owner that we were checking out earlier than 12.30 pm sebab ada program nak visit tempat2 lain.  I inform him that satu pinggan and 4 pelampung sudah pecah. The owner kata takpe, takpe.. baik owner ni.  When the nephew gave back the deposit of RM100, i just took RM50, another RM50 to cover whatever had broken. Itu atas dasar responsibility and as returned of the goodness of the owner.  Kalau orang tak berkira kenapa kita nak berkira sangat kan. After all we all really had a good and great time spent overthere.  We went to Taman Buaya saje, and a little bit shopping (shopping lagi) dekat stall dekat2 situ.  And to Zoo Melaka, we have to forget sebab from opposite we could see kereta queue panjang nak masuk ke situ.  Hasrat nak ke rumah Ayong terpaksa juga dibatalkan memandangkan Uda nak balik ke Kg. cepat.  So we dismiss at Taman Buaya.  So long Melaka...
checking out!


Princess Aleeya... said...

Xde apa2 misteri yg berlaku ker?

Anonymous said...

princess aleeya...awak pernh ade pengalaman misteri ke kt rumah tu?

khalidsuxx said...

Cantiknya homestay tu dh mcm hotel pula :)

Kepada sesiapa yg nak bercuti or berkunjung ke Melaka tu..

Jom Terjah: Homestay Muslim Murah di Bandar Hilir Melaka